Kristen Ruberg

Events Chair & Communications Co-Chair

Landscape Architect

Kristen Ruberg


I am from: Kalamazoo, Michigan and raised to bleed maize and blue!


Education: I graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in History in 2009, and then moved to Denver for my Master's of Landscape Architecture from the University of Colorado Denver, graduating in 2013.


Profession / Bio: Finding landscape architecture was a happy accident for me; a mere 30 minutes of research after stumbling upon a program that offered a dual degree with landscape architecture, I knew immediately this field played to my academic strengths and reinforced my passion for the outdoors. With the exponential growth along the front range, Denver offers a wide realm of opportunities for design - my experience ranges from residential, to outdoor classrooms, and commercial developments. As a younger designer, I am eager to see how design is transforming cities and changing habits!


Other Activities: ASLA, Girls on the Run, and Rocky Mountain Tri Club


Commitment to WiD: As Chair for the Events Committee, my team and I are responsible for our large annual events - the 8x8 in the spring, and the Keynote Speaker in the fall. It is my goal to make sure these events run smoothly and that our members and guests enjoy themselves during these diverse engagements.