We are happy to announce that ZeroLandfillDenver (ZLD) has been adopted by Women in Design, Denver and are beginning the program in March 2017!
About the Program:
ZeroLandfill is an award-winning up cycling program held seasonally that diverts expired specification samples and supports the needs of local artists and art educators while reducing pressure on local landfill capacity.
Collection of materials from design firms to collection site during a specific window of time.
Collection requirements
- Firms will bring Discontinued, expired or unused samples from their Designer libraries. No paper or product catalogs or tip cards will be accepted.
- Please sort items by type in boxes with firm/organization name clearly marked.
- If possible, remove binders and/or backing and recycle at your home or workplace.
Separation, sorting and weighing of samples. Volunteers needed. This is often a fun, bonding interaction with amazing people from the community.
The public comes to take samples away for their use.
Find us on Facebook: Zerolandfill Denver
Follow us on Twitter: @ZeroLandfillDen
Join our ZeroLandfill group on LinkedIn
Join our team in Women in Design
Please let us know if you are interested in any of the following:
- Core team volunteer (committee on WiD steering committee)
- Volunteer for sorting or Harvest days
- Produce up-cycled items as examples to share with the public
- Want to be notified of Harvest (collection) days only
- Material Accountability volunteer (meet people at collection site as needed)
- Social Media Outreach (manage Facebook, Twitter accounts and more)
- Sponsor
- Give money as Primary Sponsor $500 (logo on all print)
- Donate money for items needed (i.e.: storage container, tools, gloves, events…)
- Sponsor a Cultivate/Harvest day by providing food and beverages (Event coverage and product display)