Springtime for WiD and Colorado

Did you know this website has a blog? We like to put up occasional posts that we think will interest you. Today, for example, you can read a great article by Jennifer Gray about International Women's Day and WiD. We hope you'll drop by when you have a minute or two and see what we've been up to!
Speaking of things we're up to, here are the next few events we have scheduled:

4/5/11  Canvas & Cocktails with WiD (have fun painting and hanging out with other WiD members)
4/9/11 Members Only Event: Spring Hike ("I love to go a-wandering, along the mountain track! And as I go, I love to sing, my knapsack on my back. Valderie! Valdera! Valderie! Valdera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!")
4/16/11 AIA's Box City: A great opportunity to volunteer, help some kids, and get an IDP hour or three. Being a member of AIA is NOT required!

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