2011 Plans Discussed at WiD Retreat
This Sunday, the Wid Steering Committee met for 7 hours to gear up for next year's efforts. We had elections for committee chairs, examined what worked and what didn't during the past year, ate well, and set our goals for 2011. The Events Committee will be expanding on the concept of the popular Hard Hat Tours and the Networking Committee is thinking outside the box. Yes, there will be a return of the kickball! The Outreach Committee is continuing to focus on mentoring. The Communications Committee will be enlivening this site with blog (fun and casual) and news (informative) items. If you're interested in being a part of what makes WiD tick, let us know. Once you become a WiD member, email us a request at membership@widdenver.org and we’ll send you the information on the next Steering Committee Meeting so you can join us.